Raul. Web Developer.

I help businesses reach more customers and automate their product with technology.



Studying Information Technology, starting year 3 - Junior year this fall. Currently enrolled at The Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering, Iasi, Romania.
Claimed the Front-End certificate of FreeCodeCamp's program. I will continue the program and by the end of the year I will claim the Full-Stack Certificate.

Why web development?

As a web developer you have a great deal of opportunities to help a very large array of people. Also, in web development there are many languages and ways of tackling a problem. I was attracted to this field because I feel like it stimulates your creativity.




Currently looking for a web development opportunity or freelance project.

If you would like to discuss a project or employment opportunities,
please feel free to contact me.

Email: raul.popovici95@gmail.com
Phone: 0748 930 242